loqa is officially
Climate Neutral Certified

why get Climate
Neutral Certified?

we believe that businesses have the power to make real, meaningful progress in securing a low-climate future. That’s why we decided to pursue Climate Neutral certification. Being Climate Neutral Certified means that we’ve measured and offset all of our carbon emissions from making and delivering our products in a given year.


the first step to becoming Climate Neutral certified is measurement. It’s important to know where we stand today so we can work to not only offset but reduce our footprint moving forward. Our carbon footprint includes all the impacts of running our brand –from making our products to delivering them to our customers.

our 2023 carbon footprint: 51 tonnes of CO2e


here’s how our annual carbon emissions are split between emission boundaries.

emission boundaries

here is how our emissions are categorized in some charts.


Progressive emissions reduction plans are needed to decarbonize our entire economy and protect our planet.

We created a Reduction Action Plan to reduce our 2023 emissions:

  • implement energy conservation measures to reduce consumption 10% by implementing start-up and shut-down procedures in our studio.

  • develop a new circular tile formula to reduce emissions associated with virgin clay materials 15% across fired products.


we offset 100% of our carbon emissions through verified carbon offset projects that provide both environmental and social benefits.

to offset our 2023 carbon footprint we partnered with the NCS Alliance to support Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project:

The Mai Ndombe forest protection project is not only about protecting the world's second-largest intact rainforest but also about helping local communities.